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NovikBlock Electrical Box Installation Instructions


1-Locate an installation position with respect to electric wires coming through the wall.


2-After having applied sealant between the wall and the rear
part of an Novik’s Universal Block A-800 (sold separately), attach it with nails or screws. Cut off the appropriate precut forms on the lids of the Universal Block A-800 and the Electrical Box cover according to the product to be installed. Install the siding all around the part.



-Use with Novik Universal Block A-800. (sold separately)
-Use with weather protective cover
-Use non-metallic sheathed cable sizes.

Novik's Universal Block A-800 and Electrical box A-50

3-Pass wires through pull-through clips (additional knock out available). Remove the four spacers located on one side of the box. In case of a 3/4”(1,91cm) or more siding thickness, install the 4 spacers in their holes in the back of the Electrical Box. (Figure A)

Figure A: Spacer holes, Additional knock out, Pull-through clips, and Spacers

4-Insert the Electrical Box into the rear part of the Universal
Block A-800, screw it at the four corners. Assemble the Electrical Box cover and install the Universal Block lid. (Figure B)


5-At this point, the Electrical Box A-50 installation is done. Finish the installation by installing an electrical device or light fixture (included). Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions and be sure that all elements have the proper sealant.

Figure B: Electrical Box installed into the rear part of the Universal Block A-800
An outdoor light fixture and an outdoor electrical outlet