Chandelier or Ceiling Fan Installation Instructions
General Tools and Materials:
Printable PDF of Chandelier or Ceiling Fan Installation Instructions-
Chandelier/ Ceiling Fan
IC-Rated Electrical Box
2x4 Wood Blocks
Screw Gun / Drill Driver & Bits
Wood Cutting Saw
Jig Saw with Finish Blade
Deck Screws
Mollies (if necessary)
Stud Finder
Tape Measure
Paper & Pencil
Safety Glasses
Installation Overview
Faux Beams cannot support weight. It is the sole responsibility of the installer to ensure that the wood blocking and IC-rated electrical box can support the weight of the item being installed. AZ Faux assumes no responsibility or liability for installation.
- Consult a licensed electrician if your installation requires electrical work that you are unfamiliar with.
- Follow local building and fire codes as well as the light manufacturer’s recommended clearances
- Turn electricity off prior to starting any electrical work
- Pull all electrical prior to installing the beam and lights.
- Wear safety glasses during the entire installation process

Step 1
Measure Beam
- Tape Measure
- IC-Rated Electrical Box
- 2x4 Wood
- Wood Cutting Saw
Measure from the top of the beam to the top of the electrical box. Cut wood blocking to fill this gap. Dry fit the wood blocks to ensure that they fit inside the beam. Check the overall height of the wood blocking plus the IC-rated electrical box to ensure it matches the overall height of the beam. Adjust if necessary.

Step 2
Secure Wood Blocking to the Ceiling
- Stud Finder
- Deck Screws
- Screw Gun/ Drill Driver & Bits
- Mollies (if necessary)
Check installation location for studs. If studs exist, use deck screws that are long enough to penetrate the wood block(s) and underlying studs to mount the wood blocks directly into the studs. If studs do not exist, secure the wood blocks with mollies.
IMPORTANT: The blocks need to be secure enough to hold the weight of the fixture.

Step 3
Template Electrical Box
- Paper & Pencil
- IC-Rated Electrical Box
- Scissors
Use a piece of paper/cardboard to template the electrical box. Trim excess and set aside.

Step 4
Mount Electrical Box
- IC-Rated Electrical Box
- Deck Screws
- Screw Gun / Drill Driver & Bits
Securely mount the IC-rated electrical box to the wood blocks.

Step 5
Connect Electrical Box
- Deck Screws
- Screw Driver
Connect electrical wires into the IC-rated electrical box.

Step 6
Mark Electrical Box Location
- Tape Measure
- Pencil & Paper
- Template from Step 3
Measure and mark the location of the IC-rated electrical box at the point where it will be coming through the beam. It may be helpful to dry fit the beam during this step.

Step 7
Cut Hole in Beam
- Jig Saw
Cut the faux wood beam to accommodate the IC-rated electrical box.

Step 8
Install Beam
Follow beam installation guide that is appropriate for your project.

Step 9
Connect Chandelier/Ceiling Fan
Connect the chandelier or ceiling fan fixture following the manufacturer directions.